So Human...

Cover of camp UofG1 So Human...

Watch as little Zandaka, deprived of education and the basics of life, tries to put together the pieces of her young life. While over in Fun Valley, Celery is joining some friends for the first ever Billionaire Boot Camp to discuss the biggest ever privatisation spree in the history of humankind. Welcome to planet Earth! Have you ever wondered what it would be like to not just look from afar but experience it for yourself? Three formidable aliens go on an earthly adventure diving in the ocean, tasting pizza, drinking smoothies, chomping on ice cream, living and loving for the first time. Friendships are formed, insects are disliked, hearts are broken and mended. Xylo, Dylan, and Oceania each have their own ideas and plans for this earthly holiday but will this crazy planet and its inhabitants throw them off course? Lives, heartbeats, tastes and ideas are about to change forever.